Saxophone & Clarinet Lessons 503.888.5796
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Alternate Destination together for an 8/8@8 show
Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church 2828 SE Stephens Street, PortlandAlternate Destination is a trio of musicians playing about 9 instruments. We play original music written by Michael Hagmeier and me. Our music is full of uncommon meter, played on acoustic instruments, and utilizes our improvisational skills. We call it World Chamber Jazz. Joel Kleinbaum plays wicked awesome bassoon. I play soprano sax, alto sax […]
Hot August [Inspired Music] Night
Site Painters Art Studio 330 SE 52nd Ave, PortlandFor Artists and Doodlers Alike Art/Music Impressions - If you've never created art while listening to live music before, you've got to try this! Plus it's Alternate Destination! We'll be playing all our original music which we call World Chamber Jazz. Buy tickets for Hot August (Inspired Art) Night Listen to some samples of our […]
Portland Wind Symphony Concert in the Park
Director Park 815 SW Park Ave, PortlandSummer concert by Portland Wind Symphony The program is very exciting - taking you from an incredibly beautiful lovesong to a trip into outer space with the first manned space flight!! (I kid you not!) You'll experience the colorful sounds of San Antonio, and Easter Sunday on the White House Lawn....and lots more! Enjoy the […]