Saxophone & Clarinet Lessons 503.888.5796
Class Details

Class is two hours, from 5-7pm. The first class is Wednesday, Sept. 25. The rest of the classes are held on the following seven Wednesdays, also 5-7pm.
You will receive all the music at the first class. Please write your name on all the parts and bring all the music with you to each class.
Other items to bring, in addition to your instrument 😀 – – a water bottle, a pencil, and an extra reed or two. Arrive at 4:50 to get set up and be ready to go at 5. If there is a private student having a lesson right before class, enter the studio and set up quietly.
Classes are held at Grace Notes Music Studio, 5644 SE Belmont Street. Park on SE Belmont Street. Pass through the low grey gate on the West side of the house and enter the studio from the back deck.