Saxophone & Clarinet Lessons 503.888.5796
Thank you for subscribing to Grace Notes.
Here’s the first of the good stuff I’ll be sending you:
Appreciating Music
We listen to music all the time; driving to and from work, at parties weddings and funerals, in movies and plays, and more. Wouldn’t you like to understand more of what you are hearing? Do you have questions about what that instrument sounds like or who is that composer? Do you wonder why that song you first heard when you were 13 still causes such a emotional response in you?
These questions and others are why I started writing Grace Notes music appreciation news articles.
The newsletter is delivered to your INBOX every Friday. The following Thursday it appears on my blog. As a subscriber to Grace Notes you get the news a week ahead of everyone else. 🙂
And if you are interested in saxophone lessons or clarinet lessons, my website has a wealth of free resources. I offer private lessons in these instruments as well.
Boost your confidence in playing the sax or clarinet.
Please browse this website for more information on how you can increase your gratification of playing the clarinet or saxophone.
Learn about who I work with and the concerns they face. Then read about my approach to teaching.
And when you have a better idea about the results you can expect by working with me and my approach and philosophy of working with students, go to my Services page to learn about the specific services and programs I offer.
Want to connect right away? Send me an email or use my contact form.