Saxophone & Clarinet Lessons 503.888.5796
Music Collaboration Class Starts in July

This summer, the first Small Ensemble Reading Intensive, otherwise known as SERI, comes to my studio. In my weeklong class, you’ll read, play, and perform music arranged for small ensembles. You’ll be collaborating with fellow musicians.
When is the music collaboration class?
I’m offering SERI four times this summer. The first class is July 9-13, 2018. The other classes are held: July 23-27, August 6-10, and August 13-17.
Please read more about SERI on my Services page. And sign up for one or more weeks!
What’s a reading intensive, anyway?
We play duets, trios, quartets – music for two or more instruments. When we play a song and each musician plays a different part that harmonizes with or rhythmically blends with the others, that’s collaboration in action.
We have to concentrate on our own personal part but also keep an ear out for what the other musicians are playing and how our own part fits with the other parts. It’s intense focus and concentration. And incredibly fun too!