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Grand Opening Third Eye Books!

Juneteenth Celebration

I’m writing this post as I listen to the phenomenal music by Donna Jones and The Delegation, part of the Juneteenth Celebration live-streamed from The Jack London Revue. Great singing and jamming by the whole group. Happy to see Angela Freeman on vocals! Angela has sung with Rose City Swing. One day, RCS will be back to playing live music for live audiences and I look forward to making music with you again, Angela!
Tear Down Systemic Racism
This past year, I’ve been getting educated about the systemic racism in our country that exists at all levels. Mostly by reading such works as So You Want To Talk About Race by Pacific Northwest author Ijeoma Oluo, White Fragility by Robin D’Angelo, How To Be Less Stupid About Race by Crystal Fleming and currently reading the profound work by Isabel Wilkerson, Caste, The Origins of Our Discontents.

Music by Composers who are Black, Brown, Indigenous & Asian
As a music teacher, I wondered what I could do to tear down the racial injustices that my Black, Brown, Indigenous and Asian sisters and brothers experience everyday. Last fall I searched for and found a volume of violin solos and duets entitled Music By Black Composers, compiled and edited by the Rachel Barton Pine Foundation. At the April 2021 recital, my students and I learned about and performed music by composers who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. BIPOC Rock! was a highly successful virtual recital.

Support Black-Owned Businesses!
Where did I purchase these books? At Portland’s very own Third Eye Books Gifts & Accessories. Third Eye is a Black-owned business that is having their grand opening on Sunday, June 20 at their new digs 2518 SE 33rd Ave Portland, Or 97202. Please join me in supporting this valuable resource in our community, 2-4pm. I’m looking forward to meeting co-owners Michelle Lewis and Charles Hannah. I’ve only exchanged emails with Charles when I have requested to special order some books like Where Are All The Black Female Composers, The Ultimate Fun Facts Guide by Nathan Holder.