Saxophone & Clarinet Lessons 503.888.5796
Small Ensemble Class for Spring

Last Summer I offered three different weeks of SERI classes. SERI stands for Small Ensemble Reading Intensive. Nine students attended those classes to their great satisfaction.
Then in September through November, five students took part in the eight-week Fall SERI offering. Then they performed all the music they worked on each week at the Fall recital.
Students enjoyed the intimate learning experience of these small classes.
Lexi reported, “I receive a good amount of attention to help me correct a note or blend with the others.”
It’s time for another weekly offering of SERI!
The Spring session will run from Feb 5 and 6 every week through April 2 and 3. There will be no class during Portland Public Schools’ Spring Break, March 25-29.
One change for this series of classes is that clarinetists will meet on Tuesdays and saxophonists will meet on Wednesdays.
The songs were epic! Playing in a small group was fun. ~Daniel
Register by Jan 31
You can read more about the Spring 2019 SERI class and register for it here.